Friday, July 07, 2006
FLESH, INK. FRIDAY - Joanne Gair

For as long as we've been featuring different artists here on FLESH, INK. FRIDAY, it amazes me that it took this long to feature the work of Joanne Gair. She is, quite simply, a rock star in the world of makeup artists and body painters. Undoubtedly, most of you have seen her work before in any number of venues - there's the very sexy cover of Vanity Fair featuring Demi Moore. Or the album cover of David Lee Roth's Eat 'Em And Smile - a seminal masterpiece of the mid '80s. Of course, beyond there very recognizable works, you've seen her work in any number of fashion layouts and high-end advertisements.
You've probably glanced once or twice at her work in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues that she's been a part of for the past few years - only as you were reading the articles, of course.
From her website:Among a few of the celebrities she has been associated with in her career are Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kim Basinger, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sophia Loren and Celine Dion. By being an essential part of their evolving looks, Gair has been able to establish treasured relationships with these clients. Her work with Madonna has spanned 10 years and includes numerous music videos (Express Yourself, Vogue, Fever, Rain, Frozen), the Blonde Ambition Tour and its subsequent feature documentary Truth or Dare.

Originally from New Zealand, she is better known as Kiwi Jo to her friends, and she counts as one of the highlights of her career (of which there have been a tremendous number) an exhibition of her work in the Auckland Museum in New Zealand as part of the Vodafone Body Art exhibition.
Last year she published her first book, Paint A'Licious: The Pain-Free Way to Achieving Your Naked Ambitions. This fall, she will publish her second book, entitled Body Painting: Masterpieces by Joanne Gair. Both are amazing works that should not be missed.
Of course, it goes without saying that her galleries are simply breathtaking, and I've only been able to capture a tiny fraction of her work here for you. I urge you to visit and experience the depth and astonishing variety and scope of her artistry.
Videos with Madonna, Aerosmith, and Nine Inch Nails. Fashion campaigns for Versace, Guess, and bebe. She's even painted the bodies of Heidi Klum and Rachel Hunter. We have absolutely NO idea how we managed to miss Joanne Gair for this long, but now that we've righted this glaring ommission, make sure to check out ALL of her work.

Previously on FLESH, INK. FRIDAY: Artdream / Lothar Potzl / Martin Armand / Karada Kesho / Leroy Roper /Joel Hernandez / Filippo Ioco / Agnieszka Glinska / EMBODY / Bernd Rantscheff / Barbara Ingenhaag / Images from Burning Man / Anton ten Dam / Pashur / Earth Henna / Wilderness Bodypainting / Carolyn Roper / The Australian Museum / Jodee Lenaine Smith / Fredi Schmid / Vladimir Valenta / Anthony Chiappin and Andrew Dunbar / Rich Diltz / Flesh and Color
Tags: bodypainting, Joanne Gair, flesh, erotica, fashion, art, Demi Moore, Heidi Klum, Sports Illustrated, swimsuit issue, David Lee Roth, Vanity Fair, cover art, Madonna, Versace, Guess, bebe
Posted by FleshPresser at 12:05 AM /

birdwoman posted at 6:28 PM
This reminds me of the guy who does the incredibly awesome sidewalk art (you've probably gotten some of the pictures of his work in email). The work is incredibly detailed, interesting, and beautiful. It's also, sadly, temporary.
posted at 8:01 PM
You are bringing it back! I've missed that shot of Demi Moore.

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