Friday, February 17, 2006

FLESH, INK. FRIDAY - The Australian Museum

Gather around, kids... for today's Flesh, Ink. Friday, I thought we would take a Field Trip, so line up everyone. Make sure you're holding hands.

Today we visit the Australian Museum and their online exhibit about Body Art. Not only will we find out about traditional and non-traditional forms of bodypainting, but we can also learn more about piercing, scarification, tattooing, and body shaping. All acceptable methods of Pressing The Flesh.

Here's the introduction from the Museum:
Earrings, nose-rings, prince alberts, dydos, palangs, bangles, bracelets, rings, tattoos, makeup, body and face-paint, studs, nose-pins, nostrums, blood, hair, ochre, gold, silver, lip-plates, ear-weights, branding, scarring, tucking, sucking, squeezing, shaping: across all sections of society and across cultures people decorate and transform their bodies.

Body Art explores the many different ways, both temporary and permanent, in which people modify, change, decorate and adorn their bodies. It covers the what, why, how and where of 'body art'. Who does it, how do they do it and why do they do it? Themes covered include: universality, diversity and antiquity of styles; concepts of beauty; identity and transformation; meaning and significance of symbols; and pain, endurance and rites of passage.
While you visit the museum, make sure you check out the section on Maori Tattooing, as well as the Papua New Guinea Scarification.
Go on now... take a look around and enjoy yourselves. Remember to be back at the bus by 3:00PM.

Previously on FLESH, INK. FRIDAY: Jodee Lenaine Smith / Fredi Schmid / Vladimir Valenta / Anthony Chiappin and Andrew Dunbar / Rich Diltz / Flesh and Color

Posted by FleshPresser at 2:44 PM /


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