Friday, January 06, 2006

FLESH, INK. FRIDAY - Flesh and Color

Another new feature of PTF is my answer to photoblogs of cats, orchids, or the like. I thought that Pressing The Flesh needed to be examined in every context of the phrase, and so I'll be looking for the most interesting, appropriate, and ecclectic examples of "art on flesh" that I can find each week.

Today's image comes from artist Dewayne Flowers, the artist behind Flesh and Color. While working as an ad designer for five different newspapers, he works as a photographer and artist - of his work, Dewayne writes:

"The human form is one of the most appreciated yet feared forms of art we, as a society, have ever encountered. We all claim to love it and want to embrace it yet some "gawk" at the mere sight of the naked body. I take the form and, with many various techniques such as lighting and/or body paint, I shape it into more than it was, and the model finds his or herself literally part of a world most can't imagine; they become the art. From basic human form and figure photography, to edgy erotica, my work will stimulate your mind and body."
He's right about that. Take a look at his full gallery of body art, and make sure not to miss the metallics.

Posted by FleshPresser at 11:14 AM /


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