Friday, July 21, 2006

FLESH, INK. FRIDAY - Robert Johnson

While a lot of our Flesh, Ink. Friday artists tend to be from Europe and elsewhere around the world, it's nice to find great work here in the United States, as well.

There's one Robert Johnson that most people know about - the great blues musician who sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads.

The Robert Johnson that you might not know about may very well have sold his soul as well, but not for music. This Robert Johnson runs DVNC Arts from his home in Dallas, Texas, and is an extremely gifted artist.

While I'm always struck by the beauty of the human body, there is something magical about the ability of a body paint artist to make the body disappear, as well, and Robert Johnson crafts that magic, creating amazing illusions.

From the DVNC website:
Body painting allows one to display the human form in a myriad of ways without the permanance of of tattoo or scarification. It also allows one to explore a more 3-dimentional effect: optical illusion to trick the eye, revealing and concealing at the artist's will.

My canvas lives and breathes. My art comes from within everyone I touch.
Whether he sold his soul at the crossroads to gain this artistry or not, you owe it to yourself to check out all of his galleries.

Previously on FLESH, INK. FRIDAY: World Bodypainting Festival / Joanne Gair / Artdream / Lothar Potzl / Martin Armand / Karada Kesho / Leroy Roper /Joel Hernandez / Filippo Ioco / Agnieszka Glinska / EMBODY / Bernd Rantscheff / Barbara Ingenhaag / Images from Burning Man / Anton ten Dam / Pashur / Earth Henna / Wilderness Bodypainting / Carolyn Roper / The Australian Museum / Jodee Lenaine Smith / Fredi Schmid / Vladimir Valenta / Anthony Chiappin and Andrew Dunbar / Rich Diltz / Flesh and Color

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Posted by FleshPresser at 12:33 AM /


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