Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Hard Run And The Hardware

There are those who don't understand running.... they have no concept of why someone would voluntarily run someplace where there was ANY form of alternative transportation available. I'm not sure that I can fully explain it - there's a discipline to it that I enjoy, a huge ability to relieve stress and find a mental balance as your body moves onward, and a challenge in pushing myself farther and farther - it's an adrenaline rush for me, to be sure.

Today I successfully completed my Goofy Challenge at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, by running the marathon. That, combined with the half-marathon from yesterday, equalled a total of 39.3 miles.

Once again, today was a scorcher. There was good news and bad news. The good news is that, for an hour or so after the sun rose, there was a thick fog, which kept the sun from beating down on us. The bad news was that the fog burnt off. The sun and the heat was relentless today - I watched people dropping around me from dehydration or heat exhaustion.

I tempered my run accordingly. You can almost exactly see where the fog lifted, and the sun began its assault:

* Five-mile mark - 59:42 (just about a twelve minute mile)
* Ten-mile mark - 2:02:37 (again, roughly a twelve minute mile)
* Half - 2:46:49 (a few minutes off my time from yesterday, but given I had run 13 miles yesterday, not a big deal at all.... watch what happens next....)
* Twnety-mile mark - 4:36:10 (that's right... almost a full two hours to complete the next seven miles...and it gets better....)
* Finish Line - 6:22:04 (again, almost another two hours... this time to finish the last 10K)

It's pretty staggering to think that I ran long enough to sit through about three or four movies. But when you ask why I do it, I'll tell you this - I had a shirt made up to race in.... amongst other things, it said "If you believe, clap your hands!" Getting to mile 24 and beyond, with MONSTER blisters on the soles of my feet, and no shade to be found, with legs beginnignt o cramp up - in the midst of ALL of that discomfort, it is literally staggering to continue to run and hear crowds of people on the sides of the course cheering your name, clapping, and yelling "I believe!" It sounds cheesy, but it's pretty damned intoxicating.

I finished my goal, which was to complete the marathon today, and to complete the Goofy Challenge. I am amazingly proud of what I've accomplished. And a little stumped as to what I should challenge myself with next... any thoughts?

Posted by FleshPresser at 10:52 PM /


  • Blogger Meghan posted at 2:58 AM  
    That is so awesome. YOU are so awesome.

    Can I still be your friend, oh awesome one?

    (I can't even imagine running a half-marathon and then a full marathon two days in a row.)

  • Blogger Kevin posted at 2:35 PM  
    People who run marathons are impressive to me. I'm not gonna lie. I probably would have quit before the halfway point.

    Congratulations on finishing and good luck to you in your running future.

  • Anonymous Anonymous posted at 6:46 PM  
    Wow. You are an insane person. Just how we like it...

    Nice going, Tim.

  • Blogger Dana posted at 11:23 AM  
    That is very impressive and you must be very proud of yourself. Way to go!

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