Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Hiatus is Over....

...and right about the time that most are going ON hiatus for the holidays, we're pushing onward!

We had QUITE a hangover after the 2006 elections, as well as the completion of a very successful show - my other life when I'm not blogging - and so we took a little time off to relax and rest on our laurels, so to speak. As it turns out, when one rests on their laurels too long, the blood doesn't get to them, and they wind up getting all tingly and falling asleep! Who knew?

Anyway, the PTF staff is awake once again and will once again be broadening out our scope to look at political flesh-pressing, as well as the pop cultural propaganda floating through our world.

So, give us a minute or two to warm the engine up, and we'll get ready to roll!

Posted by FleshPresser at 9:24 AM /


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