Friday, September 15, 2006
The Nightmare Continues....
Well, today I was actually able to see something on my blog for a change....
That's right... I've been "blind blogging" all week, and I see my stat counter dropping lower and lower, which I can only assume means that others are unable to see it as well.
But today, TEXT actually appeared on my site: We are sorry, but a temporary problem is preventing
your request from being completed.
The system administration team for Blog*Spot has been notified.
Error: 500
So, if people HAD been able to see it, I guess they can't anymore.
Unlike others who tend to gripe A LOT about Blogger, I'm one of those people who actually LIKE it - I like the ease with which I can post, and it tends to provide just enough versatility for a blogger like me, who knows just enough html to get myself into trouble.
If I can't see my blog, and you can't see my blog, though - does it still exist?
Posted by FleshPresser at 9:24 AM /
posted at 5:50 AM
Hey man-
For what it's worth, I've had no problem reading your posts thru Bloglines. I guess the RSS is working. Keep fighting the good fight.
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