Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Mark Warner Clears His Plate
Mark Warner announced today that he will not seek the Virginia Senate seat in 2006, clearing the way for his exploratoration of a 2008 Presidential bid. It was anticipated that Warner v. Allen would have been one of the biggest match-ups of the political season, but it appears now that both Virginians will run in 2008. While Allen will run to hold his Seante seat, it is expected that Allen will run in 2008, as well.
Not to be outdone, Warner has his blog support, as well. And Warner is clearly one to watch as we gradually gear up for 2008. Beyond the "Blue Governor in a Red State" mantra that follows Warner around, the Governor enjoys one of the highest approval ratings of any Governor in the country.
Liberal Democrats may not fully endorse Mark Warner, but centrists and those hungry for a Democratic win at any cost may find much to like about him beyond his Red State appeal. Warner is pro-gun, pro-business and socially moderate - he has pulled Democrats and Republicans together toward compromise on more than one occassion during his tenure in Virginia.
Personally, I see more Republicans than Democrats listing Warner as the "one to watch", but he may appeal to Democrats in the same way that Joe Lieberman did in 2004. Of course, we all know the fate of Lieberman in 2004.
PTF's official position: Thanks, but no thanks - I'll stick with Russ Feingold for now.
UPDATE: Just to be fair, Bloodless Coup makes a good case for Mark Warner, and I want to make sure that the pro-Warner voice is heard, as well.
Posted by FleshPresser at 10:27 AM /

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