Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Katrina's Aftermath and the Power of the Blog

As officials and citizens together begin the long process of recovering from a storm of this magnitude, NOLA.com has some amazing photos of the aftermath of Katrina, as well as stories of those directly affected by the storm.

Hyku posts about the importance of blogs during this disaster, and advocates for blogs to be included in the dissemination of information during catastrophic events such as this. RexBlog makes a similar point, and both are absolutely right. As people are sheltered throughout the community, bloggers become points of information throughout the area, able to disseminate information locally, as well as to the world at large as to conditions in any given area. By reading posts by Kaye via her blackberry, or the cumulative posts on Metroblogging from various locations across the area, it becomes more than clear how blogs become instant barometers of conditions throughout the community. As such, it becomes imperative to include these valuable resources in planning for the next such event.

Posted by FleshPresser at 9:38 AM /


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