Monday, July 30, 2007

Now I'll NEVER Leave My Computer!

We take a momentary break from the political side of PTF to bring you a pop cultural gold mine.

I'm almost afraid to even blog about it and tell you about it, for fear that if too many people find out about it, it may disappear.

This morning, a friend told me about this AMAZING website... it has links to all of these great TV shows... you name it, and there's more than likely a link to it. So, if you've been jones'n for an episode of The Office at work, now you can have it.

Perhaps you prefer a couple episodes of Absolutely Fabulous to get you through your day? Say no more - here ya' go.

Hell... old episodes of The Daily Show? Sex and the City? Lost? Friday Night Lights?

I'm not going to sit here and count all of the links, but trust me... if you want it, it's more than likely here.

BUT WAIT.... there's MORE!!!

That was just the TV section.... click on the Movie Icon, and a whole new world of time-suckage explodes from your computer!

Some of the movies you might expect to find online by now are most definitely here... take, for example, Reefer Madness.... the original 1936 cult classic. Or maybe The Wizard of Oz. Or old Laurel and Hardy films.

They're are here, to be sure... but LOOK what else is here! There's this, or this, or this... or maybe you'd prefer something MUCH more recent... like THIS?!?

I'm not saying if it's right or if its wrong... I'll I'm telling you is it's all here.

Posted by FleshPresser at 11:54 AM /


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